Quantitative & Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences

Quantitative & Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences (QCMB) advances mathematical and computational methods in psychology. Publishing new methods, comparisons, and applications, it serves psychologists and researchers from related disciplines using advanced analysis techniques.

The journal publishes scientific articles that are suited to extend the understanding of foundational mathematics used in psychological methods, development of new methods and software or hardware for those, comparison of existing or new methods, and dissemination of this knowledge to a broader audience of scientists in psychology or related fields.

QCMB publishes articles in two sections: The fundamental research section targets an audience of quantitative psychologists, mathematicians, and statisticians with an interest in psychological applications of computational, statistical, and mathematical models. The method dissemination section concentrates on methodological articles that target an audience of social scientists that want to apply top-notch analysis methods.

At a glance

Journal cover
  • Established in 2020
  • EiC: A. Brandmaier, T. von Oertzen
  • ISSN: 2699-8432
  • Publication: Continuously