Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations

Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR) publishes diverse research on human-animal interactions. PHAIR covers topics from moral psychology to environmental studies, exploring how people perceive and engage with animals to foster a deeper understanding of these complex relationships.

The journal’s goal is to publish scientific research on a wide range of topics related to how people perceive, treat, and interact with animals.

PHAIR is open to research from diverse psychological sub-fields. These include moral and social psychology, attitudes and persuasion, diet and health studies, human-animal relationships, personality and individual differences, as well as sustainability and environmental psychology.

PHAIR is the Official Academic Journal of the PHAIR Society. The Society’s mission is to provide a forum for scientific scholarship that supports justice for non-human and human animals. PHAIR welcomes a diversity of opinions about what constitutes justice and how to achieve it; the society’s primary focus is on using psychological science to help answer these questions.

At a glance

Journal cover
  • Established in 2022
  • EiC: C. J. Hopwood
  • Society: PHAIR Society
  • ISSN: 2750-6649
  • Publication: Continuously