Research for People in Organizations

Research for People in Organizations (RPIO) is an open-access journal promoting individual and organizational advancement. It publishes evidence-based studies on workplace challenges and opportunities, aligning with UN sustainable development goals and embracing open science principles.

RPIO aims to provide a platform for both qualitative and quantitative work that helps empower individuals to flourish in their work environments.

RPIO publishes evidence-based studies that address the diverse challenges and opportunities faced by people in today’s rapidly evolving workplaces. Aligned with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, particularly the promotion of “decent work and economic growth” (SDG 8), RPIO is committed to research that contributes to creating more equitable and fulfilling work environments. This commitment extends to the journal’s publishing practices, with a strong emphasis on open science principles to ensure transparency and reproducibility in research.

With the aim of bridging academic inquiry with practical applicability, RPIO welcomes contributions from researchers, practitioners across disciplines.

At a glance

Journal cover
  • Established in 2024
  • EiC: Annette Kluge, Vera Hagemann, Marcel Kern
  • ISSN: 2510-991X
  • Publication: Continuously