
General Publishing Standards

Journal editors agree to the mission of PsychOpen GOLD by supporting high quality scholarly communication in psychology and related fields, making original research freely available to the scientific community and the public, achieving high standards in reporting research outcomes, and adhering to best practices in ethical publishing.

  • Publication Ethics
    The journal implements clear editorial policies for ethical publishing, ensuring fair, unbiased, and swift reviewing, handling possible conflicts of interest (of authors, reviewers, and editors), preventing research misconduct (including fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism), and promoting research transparency (see Core Practices by the Committee on Publication Ethics [COPE]).

  • Endorsement by a Scientific Organization
    The journal is endorsed by a national or international academic or professional psychological society.

  • International Editorial Board
    The journal is supported by an international editorial board consisting of recognized experts in the field. Affiliations for all editors and editorial board members are published at the journal website.

  • Peer-Review Process
    Submissions of research contributions are peer reviewed (open, single-anonymized, double-anonymized) by at least two independent external experts in the field (including statistical review where appropriate).

  • Reporting Standards
    The journal takes appropriate measures to assure compliance of its publications to established community standards and best-practices in reporting research outcomes, including methodological and statistical standards (e.g., JARS, CONSORT, PRISMA), as well as formal (e.g., APA style as well as our own in-house style guide), and linguistic (sufficient language level) standards/best-practices. In addition, all published research articles include author contact information, date of submission, acceptance, and publication, and license/copyright information.

  • Language of publication
    To improve reception and attract a broad range of authors, publication is in English exclusively.

  • Technological Standards
    The journal implements, supported by PsychOpen GOLD, technological standards (e.g., JATS, OAI) which improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse of its contents (FAIR Principles).

  • Publication Volume and Mode
    The journal attracts a constant stream of quality submissions (≥ 30 submissions sent to review/year), resulting in a continuous output of publications (≥ 12 articles/year). Articles are published as soon as they are produced and approved (article-based publication model). Number of submissions and accepted and published articles are published annually.

  • Journal impact
    The journal achieves a verifiable impact on the research community, documented by citations in scholarly publications, acceptance by journal indices and quality controlled scholarly databases (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, PubMed Central, or research field specific databases), number of submissions, number and (geographic, organizational) diversity of authors, composition of editorial board, etc.

Last modified: May 30, 2023