
Biolinguistics explores theoretical linguistics, focusing on the biological foundations of human language. This peer-reviewed journal disseminates research to linguists, biologists, cognitive scientists, and language experts worldwide, bridging theory and experimental studies.

The journal Biolinguistics is a peer-reviewed journal exploring theoretical linguistics that takes the biological foundations of human language seriously.

Its mission is to disseminate research globally, catering to a diverse audience including theoretical linguists, biologists with linguistic interests, cognitive scientists, and anyone passionate about the scientific study of language.

Biolinguistics delves into issues related to theory formation within the biolinguistic program of generative grammar, while also presenting results from experimental studies in psycho- and neurolinguistics, as well as broader cognitive research.

The journal accepts various types of submissions, including original research articles, registered reports, brief reports, book and relevant media reviews, as well as option (forum) pieces.

At a glance

Journal cover
  • Established in 2007
  • Joined PO-GOLD in 2022
  • EiC: Kleanthes K. Grohmann
  • ISSN: 1450-3417
  • Publication: Continuously