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The European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology

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PsychOpen publishes a wide range of psychology journals covering a variety of psychological topics. All journals conduct strict peer review and adhere to the highest scientific standards. All content is published under the principles of open access, licensed under a CC-BY license and free of charge to readers. Moreover, the PsychOpen journals do not charge any author fees.



The journal Biolinguistics is a peer-reviewed journal exploring theoretical linguistics that takes the biological foundations of human language seriously.

Biolinguistics seeks to disseminate research globally to theoretically minded linguists, linguistically minded biologists, cognitive scientists in general, and anyone else with an interest in the scientific study of language. The journal is concerned with the exploration of issues related to theory formation within the biolinguistic program of generative grammar as well as results drawn from experimental studies in psycho- and neurolinguistics or cognition at large.

Clinical Psychology in Europe

Clinical Psychology in Europe

Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE) is the Official Academic Journal of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPТ). The journal welcomes research conducted both in and outside of Europe and hopes to portray the advances these make to the field of clinical psychology in Europe.

CPE aims to publish contributions that reflect the current developments in clinical psychology, this can include stimulating papers that help towards the developments of clinical psychology research and interventions as well as advancements in diagnostics, classification, developments in treatments and improving outcomes. CPE hopes to present the pool of research that can be used to offer practical advice about health care issues and approaches in the field of clinical psychology.

CPE publishes several categories of articles including original research articles, review studies and meta-analyses as well as properly conducted replication studies. CPE believes in providing readers with the most up-to-date and cutting edge advances and therefore also provides a platform for authors to submit: scientific updates, short reports on the latest developments in the field and commentaries.

Europe's Journal of Psychology

Europe's Journal of Psychology

Europe's Journal of Psychology (EJOP) is a quarterly electronic publication of scientific psychology featuring original studies, research, critical contributions, interviews and book reviews intended for both psychologists and psychology students worldwide.

Europe's Journal of Psychology is meant to facilitate communication between psychologists, and to give them access to high-quality professional information, thus fostering the scientific psychological community in Europe and worldwide. Although primarily targeted at the European public, EJOP gladly hosts contributions from psychologists irrespective of their geographical location.

EJOP’s main objectives are to expand, on the one hand, the publication space offered to psychologists and, on the other hand, to increase the number of psychology journals that take a more generalist and eclectic approach to psychology issues given the current tendency to produce rather highly specialized works.

Therefore, the journal was conceived in such a manner as to be accessible for both young researchers and established professionals and also to a very large area of scientific psychological 'genres' and schools. Its structure gives room to a diverse, eclectic and multidisciplinary range of psychology studies and research.

Indexed by DOAJ, EBSCO, Scopus, ProQuest, PsycEXTRA, and PubPsych.

Global Environmental Psychology

Global Environmental Psychology

Global Environmental Psychology (GEP) publishes theoretical and applied work on the relationship between people and their environment with a psychological emphasis. Global Environmental Psychology is committed to open science and diversity.

GEP publishes theoretical and applied work on the relationship between people and their environment with a psychological emphasis. Environment is understood in a broad sense and includes natural, built, and virtual environments. GEP welcomes research on environmentally impactful behaviours and behavioural drivers (e.g., perceptions, attitudes, norms, values, identities, abilities, context), on how environments affect people (e.g., performance, behaviour, emotions and well-being), and on the interdependence between humans and the environment (e.g., place attachment, connectedness to nature).

The journal is committed to advancing reproducible, transparent, and open science. Measures to achieve this include the publication of replication studies and registered reports and the adherence to the transparency and open science guidelines of the journal for empirical articles.

GEP strives to increase diversity in psychological research and to make our field more representative of different human groups. As such, the journal is keen to publish work that makes currently underrepresented authors and populations in environmental psychology visible.



Interpersona publishes articles on all kinds of human interactions, from weak ties to close relationships, and their relations with society and culture. With an editorial board formed by scholars from 65 countries, the journal seeks to internationalize the investigation in the field.

Interpersona is a semiannual (June and December) journal on all kinds of human relationships, from weak ties to close relationships, and their relations with society and culture.

With an editorial board formed by scholars from 65 countries the journal seeks to internationalize the investigation of human relationships. Interpersona was founded in 2007 in order to make knowledge about human relationships accessible to a wider international readership and to foster the publication of research in the field conducted all over the world. In 2012, Interpersona transferred to PsychOpen to foster the free and open exchange of information, to improve the visibility of relationship research, and to optimize the international reception and citation of knowledge about personal relationships.

Interpersona is indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO, Latindex, PSICODOC, PubPsych, JournalTOCs, ProQuest, Hinari - Research in Health (World Health Organization), and others.

Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie

Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie

Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie (JBDGM) serves as the official scientific publication of the German Society for Music Psychology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, DGM). The Yearbook of Music Psychology follows international scientific standards and publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in German and English language from all areas of music psychology as well as from related disciplines such as music sociology, music education and musical acoustics.

The Yearbook of Music Psychology (JBDGM) was founded in 1984 by Klaus-Ernst Behne, Günter Kleinen and Helga de la Motte-Haber. It serves as the official scientific publication of the proceedings of the German Society for Music Psychology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, DGM).

From 1984 to 2017 JBDGM was published exclusively as a printed volume. Since 2018, JBGDM has been published as an online first publication with open access to all content in cooperation with PsychOpen. Submitted manuscripts are published immediately after successfully completing the peer-review process. In addition, the contributions also appear as a printed publication by Waxmann Verlag (Münster, Germany) once a year.

Journal of Numerical Cognition

Journal of Numerical Cognition

The Journal of Numerical Cognition (JNC) is a free online peer-reviewed journal publishing original studies, critical commentaries, theoretical position statements and book reviews relevant to numerical cognition. The journal emphasizes scholarship, but also seeks to provide a bridge between theory and practice in numerical cognition. It aims to have a worldwide audience.

JNC aims to facilitate communication not only amongst psychologists but also between psychologists and cognate disciplines. It also encourages dialogue between theory development and practice with respect to understanding numerical cognition. The objective of the journal is to provide readers with access to high-quality professional information, thus stimulating the scientific community in Europe, North America and worldwide. Indeed JNC welcomes contributions from researchers and practitioners irrespective of their geographical location.

The main objectives of the Journal of Numerical Cognition are to provide a scholarly forum for the focused discussion of research into numerical cognition and in so doing, increase the visibility of this topic domain in psychology and beyond.

As a result, the journal has been developed so to be accessible to both young researchers and established professionals without discipline boundaries. By being open access, it is also designed so that contributions are available not just to the academic community but to the larger audience of individuals who teach about number and work with numerical information.

Journal of Social and Political Psychology

Journal of Social and Political Psychology

Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP) features articles at the intersection of social and political psychology that substantially advance the understanding of social problems, their reduction, and the promotion of social justice. JSPP encourages submissions with an interdisciplinary perspective.

The Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP) publishes articles at the intersection of social and political psychology that substantially advance the understanding of social problems, their reduction, and the promotion of social justice. It also welcomes work that focuses on socio-political issues from related fields of psychology (e.g., peace psychology, community psychology, cultural psychology, environmental psychology, media psychology, economic psychology) and encourages submissions with an interdisciplinary perspective.

JSPP publishes high-quality work from different epistemological, methodological, theoretical, and cultural perspectives and from different regions across the globe. It provides a forum for innovation, questioning of assumptions, and controversy and debate, and aims to give creative impetus for academic scholarship and for applications in education, policymaking, professional practice, and advocacy and social action. To achieve these aims, JSPP publishes several categories of articles: theoretical articles, review articles, original research reports, commentaries, replications and refinements, and action teaching reports.

Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences

Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences

Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences (MISS) publishes open access measurement instruments intended for scientific use across various disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, education, political science, economics etc.).

Though focusing mainly on social surveys for the general population, the measurement instruments documented in MISS may also be relevant for the study of individual differences and useful in specific diagnostic contexts of relevance to the general population. MISS advances social science measurement and methodology also through systematic reviews, test reviews, meeting reports, and best practice approaches related to specific tools and measurement in general. MISS expects empirical backing up of scientific claims, predominantly by a quantitative approach. MISS subscribes to high scientific, open-science and ethical standards, and employs a strict peer review procedure in line with COPE guidelines ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record.



Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Scinces (METH) provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of methodological research and applications. The articles published in the journal are not only accessible to methodologists but also to more applied researchers in the various disciplines.

Methodology is the official organ of the European Association of Methodology (EAM), a union of methodologists working in different areas of the social and behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics, educational and political sciences). The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of methodological research and applications in the different fields, including new methodological approaches, review articles, software information, and instructional papers that can be used in teaching. Three main disciplines are covered: data analysis, research methodology, and psychometrics. The articles published in the journal are not only accessible to methodologists but also to more applied researchers in the various disciplines.

Personality Science

Personality Science

Personality Science (PS), owned by the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), seeks to be the premiere outlet for any insights on personality and individual differences – cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

While personality is often studied in psychology, it is PS' mission to unify the nascent field of a personality-centered science by bringing together work from different disciplines and perspectives even outside of psychology.

The journal publishes theoretical, methodological, empirical, applied, and comment papers of short- to medium-length on the biological, psychological, and social origins, expressions, structures, dynamics, processes, mechanisms, functioning, development, and consequences of non-pathological and pathological personality (broadly conceived) as well as their definition, operationalization, assessment, and potential applications. Individual differences in humans, animals, virtual avatars, intelligent system, and robots are of interest to the journal. Papers reporting empirical data are expected to adhere to the transparency and open science guidelines of the journal. The scientific examination of human, non-human, and artificial/virtual personality is not confined to any paradigm, methodology, type of research, or domain of individual differences. Accordingly, PS publishes a diverse array of topics that showcase how rich and vibrant the field of personality science is. It thus seeks to provide a worldwide forum for scientists, teachers, and practitioners who are interested in the scientific study of personality and individual differences.

Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations

Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations

The goal of the journal Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR) is to publish scientific research on a wide range of topics related to how people perceive, treat, and interact with animals.

The journal is open to studies from moral and social psychology, attitudes and persuasion, diet and health, human-animal relationships, personality/individual differences, sustainability and environmental psychology, and other related sub-fields.

PHAIR is the Official Academic Journal of the PHAIR Society.

Quantitative & Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences

Quantitative & Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences

Quantitative & Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences (QCMB) publishes scientific articles that are suited to extend the understanding of foundational mathematics used in psychological methods, development of new methods and software or hardware for those, comparison of existing or new methods, and dissemination of this knowledge to a broader audience of scientists in psychology or related fields.

QCMB publishes articles in two sections:

The fundamental research section targets an audience of quantitative psychologists, mathematicians, and statisticians with an interest in psychological applications of computational, statistical, and mathematical models.

The method dissemination section concentrates on methodological articles that target an audience of social scientists that want to apply top-notch analysis methods.

Research for People in Organizations

Research for People in Organizations

We are an open-access, peer-reviewed journal for studies on the promotion and advancement of individuals, teams, and organizations. We aim to provide a platform for both qualitative and quantitative work that helps empowering individuals to flourish in their work environments.

With a strong focus on evidence-based research, our journal endeavors to tackle the myriad challenges and prospects encountered by individuals in today's dynamic workplaces. Thus, the journal is committed to publish research that explicitly aligns with the United Nations' sustainable development goal of promoting "decent work and economic growth" (SDG 8) and employs open science principles wherever possible.

Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention

Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention

Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention (SOTRAP) is an international peer-reviewed journal open to all scientists, clinicians, and policymakers researching and preventing all forms of sexual violence. We welcome all contributions that enhance or illuminate relevant clinical practice, science, and policy about the etiology, prevention, (risk) assessment, treatment, and management of individuals who have committed sexual offenses or are at risk of doing so.

Furthermore, aspects of legal, psychological, and somatic consequences of sexual offending are of interest for the readership of SOTRAP.

Clinicians, practitioners, and academics are invited to submit research articles, reviews, meta-analyses, brief research notes/articles (e.g., brief methodological discussions), and (clinical) case reports/studies. SOTRAP is the official journal of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO).

Social Psychological Bulletin

Social Psychological Bulletin

Social Psychological Bulletin (SPB) publishes empirical research, theoretical review papers, scientific debates, and methodological contributions in the field of basic and applied social psychology. The SPB Editorial team actively promotes standards of open-science, supports an integrative approach to all aspects of social psychological science and is committed to discussing timely social issues of high importance.

Various theoretical perspectives and methodologies are welcome! SPB encourages submissions of theoretical contributions, debates, and research that aim to present and possibly integrate various approaches within the field of social psychology. SPB also welcomes submissions from a broad scope of perspectives, not only strictly related to social psychology but open to cross-disciplinary approaches, presenting innovative theoretical ideas and research on social psychological phenomena. SPB welcomes high-quality research that can be placed on the intersection of social, humanistic and life sciences, and can provide a comprehensive theoretical integration.

SPB supports open-science practices e.g. pre-registration and open data. The journal implements the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines (Open Science Collaboration, 2015).


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